September 12, 2013

Twitter with a Twist

This was the view from the computer table early this morning. I woke up with the realization that I had been tweeting all wrong!

I'm getting ready (after lunch) to re-open my twitter account but use it in a more productive way. Yes, I'll follow my friends - but no one else at first.

Let's see how the wind really blows.

And I won't tweet only to the few but to everyone. I once remarked that I wasn't important enough to facebook, blog AND tweet. That's because I was doing it all wrong. It's essentially about a change in the way one communicates. If I am going to tread through muddy and dangerous waters, I may as well not cross the bridge in order to keep my boots dry.

Smile and Say Cheese

 My daughter (now 61) used to line everyone up and take our picture in order to prove what a “good time” we all had – much to the chagrin of...