September 20, 2013


This is Holy Comforter Episcopal Church here in Tallahassee. This is my church, a house that welcomed me when I was in emotional need, friended me when I was a stranger, fed me when I forgot to bring a dish or make a snack to share, and took me in as if I had been a member for sixty years.

I pass fourteen other churches on the way to mine every Sunday morning. Plus one building in progress. Each structure fascinates me in a different way and they mystify me as a group - prayers going up from each, in near unison, every Sunday, connotes a powerful vision of  the oneness that souls share.

Every church building tells a story - a study in bricks, wood, walkways, windows, and steeples - through its facade alone. One does not even need to go inside, although I have visited a lot of them since I moved to Tallahassee. Both the architecture and  its placement on the land speak to me in a language of silent beckoning.

Therefore, I did what any other camera-buff would do if church buildings were talking to her, amazing her, and thrilling her. I began taking pictures of the churches, forming intuitive judgements while giving each building a "psychic reading" so to speak.

I once thought I would write a book that would include the pictures and the histories of each church I came across. The thought just didn't catch and hold in my mind. The oral histories of the older churches are well known throughout the city. That train of thought simply wasn't what I was after.

It was totally sensory. Feeling. How did the buildings make me feel? Did the vibes that I was getting from the many churches dotting the Tallahassee landscape affect my spirituality? What could I surmise from looking at the pictures of  buildings that house the Holy Spirit? Would such a strange creative hobby change me in any way? How?

I've decided that I'll be picturing the churches here on the blog from time to time. I want to be able to tell you in a simple paragraph (not a church history) how the structure makes me feel - what it's message privately imparts. Some of the photos will also be on the Holy Comforter Spirit and Creativity Guild web page when that is up and running.

It will be amazing to share my odd hobby with others! Maybe you will see what I see. Or perhaps you will see something entirely different!

Smile and Say Cheese

 My daughter (now 61) used to line everyone up and take our picture in order to prove what a “good time” we all had – much to the chagrin of...