On the road to 80 at 80 MPH?
The weakness and tiredness I had been feeling was, in fact, a long time coming. I had taken that one medicine for HBP since 1987. Someone along the way had doubled the dosage. Someone else had added another medicine failing to notice that I was taking twice the diuretic as nearly everyone else. In Tallahassee, the second med became a double whammy as it was two different blood pressure remedies in one capsule. Add to that an aversion to drinking water from morning to night. I became so dizzy that I was referred to both a cardiologist and a surgeon. The Doc and his nurse found the problem at once, but it took a little time to get weened off of the one and increase the dosage a tad on the other.
The weakness and tiredness I had been feeling was, in fact, a long time coming. I had taken that one medicine for HBP since 1987. Someone along the way had doubled the dosage. Someone else had added another medicine failing to notice that I was taking twice the diuretic as nearly everyone else. In Tallahassee, the second med became a double whammy as it was two different blood pressure remedies in one capsule. Add to that an aversion to drinking water from morning to night. I became so dizzy that I was referred to both a cardiologist and a surgeon. The Doc and his nurse found the problem at once, but it took a little time to get weened off of the one and increase the dosage a tad on the other.
I read this short article on Facebook this morning. Got me thinking. This sounds like the 40 year old Caroline. I did all these things, even though exercise has always been boring and water has never been enjoyed for what it is.
All I have to do now, is relearn how to follow these simple suggestions. Wayne and I used to listen to calming blues or jazz for a little while at bedtime after some guided relaxation meditation. Or at least I did. He always fell asleep during the introduction to the first tape: "Soon and very soon, indeed...." was his cue to begin with the snoring.