June 27, 2015

The Morning After

What I usually love is that there is always the morning after.

A Nation in turmoil is not what I have in mind. As of 5 o'clock yesterday, five black southern churches have been burned.

Many of the right wing conservatives that I know personally are beside themselves, falling back on arguments of fire and brimstone.

Gun control is on everyone's mind. The NRA bristles.

Republicans can't find it in their hearts to admire their President, even for an afternoon, for yesterday's heartfelt words (and song) for the grief-stricken at Mother Emanuel A.M.E..

The young mentally ill continue to be ignored, this morning, by parents who aren't too stable themselves or they would know the score.

The Episcopal Church is meeting, this weekend, in Salt Lake City (which makes me smile for several reasons) and marriage discussion is on the agenda.

I think of Jesus walking along the water with his faithful. Not all of them understood exactly what was happening. The insightful ones had a feeling that the world would change because of Him.

There was no church. There were no rules, except Roman Law and those of the Temple. And suddenly He stopped them dead in their tracks. "Love one another, as I have loved you."

Delete me from your Facebook or turn me off at the switch. But don't pretend that you think I'm saying love evil, tolerate hatred, accept atrocity. This is only a plea for social tolerance that I'm making. In the United States of America. Land of the outcast, the seeker, the persecuted, the poor, the unbelievably wealthy, all the rest.
If there is no religion in your life, expand your mind. Read the philosophers. Do a little historical research. Ponder global warming. Let your conscious be your guide. 

Let's band together. Yes, I know that it is almost unheard-of.. Happens during wars. Events like 9/11. Natural disasters.  This is one of our Big Chances to move forward, into the future, all men being created equally.

Smile and Say Cheese

 My daughter (now 61) used to line everyone up and take our picture in order to prove what a “good time” we all had – much to the chagrin of...