May 07, 2014

Give Cookbooks for Gifts! Get Great Meals in Return!

Pickles, Pigs & Whiskey: Recipes from My Three Favorite Food Groups and Then SomePickles, Pigs & Whiskey: Recipes from My Three Favorite Food Groups and Then Some by John Currence

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I bought Pickles, Pigs & Whiskey for a gift, but of course I read it before I wrapped it. AND I made a mint julep for the Derby from a new recipe that I found inside.

As a cookbook goes, it is perfect. Good back story, wonderful photography, solid cooking philosophy, interesting recipes, music parings. I found several ideas to add to my own repertoire. That's the sign of a successful cookbook. Anything usable in there?

Unfortunately, this isn't my style of cooking. I no longer fry, use lard, eat hearty. It isn't so much about health as changing tastes and a reluctant digestive system; however, the gift recipient will not only love but also use John Currence's new cookbook. That's what counts!

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