The Barkeep by William Lashner
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Barkeep is so refreshing that I ought to give it a fourth star - but you know that I save that designation for the more literary work. The outstanding stuff.
I like Lashner's character development strategy. Lately, I've been reading authors who go on and on; too much information about what the protagonists ate, what they thought, how they looked, who their friends were, things they did last year. Yet in the end the characters were not likable, obviously contrived to be the heroes in mystery stories or historic novels or adventures or crime dramas.
Yes, Lashner does name his chapters after famous cocktails and other alcoholic beverages. It isn't all that unappealing. Isn't done in a silly way as in some of the comic enterprises written to incorporate recipes, the letters of the alphabet, or other lists into one's life works. I enjoyed the way he also wove information about the drinks and mixing instructions into the fabric of the chapters. Maybe bar-tending simply appeals to me?
Aside from the Barkeep cocktail theme, the book goes along nicely. I finished it in the wee hours of this morning. You know I don't stay up reading unless the plot holds my interest. Put this on your Beach Book list for summer. Not deep, not frightening, not unrealistic, just enjoyable.
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