February 18, 2014

Fire The Flamin' Facts by Philip M Glover

                                                                                                     A Must-Read, Should-Own For Every Home and BusinessFebruary 18, 2014
By Caroline Mathews (Lake Petty Gulf, Tallahassee, Florida)
This review is from: Fire The Flamin' Facts (Kindle Edition)

Phil M. Glover bit off a lot when he conceived this charming and fact-filled endeavor.

Fire The Flamin' Facts is much more than a safety manual, although it's the best one of it's kind that I've ever read. The book is, also, not simply a conventional text book. Yet, textbook it is - one that should be required reading in businesses, labs, fire stations, and manufacturing sites of every kind, everywhere. Reading it, one realizes how little is known and understood by the average person of "fire" the phenomena. I learned an amazing amount about a subject on which I thought I was somewhat well-versed.

The "charming" part of the book is that, although rather long, reading isn't tedious - thanks to Fire's almost biographical nature. What you learn, here, is the personal story of Phil M. Glover as it is recounted throughout the book in pictures, real-life accounts, editorial content, and much more. From that standpoint alone, this is fascinating reading. A one-of-a-kind offering from a one-of-a-kind author.

Smile and Say Cheese

 My daughter (now 61) used to line everyone up and take our picture in order to prove what a “good time” we all had – much to the chagrin of...