My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I always say if you glean one or two recipes from a cookbook that it was worth the price you paid for it.
If you saw my copy of Olives and Oranges, you would recognize the handwritten notes in the margins and realize that this book belongs mostly to me, now, and has very little to do with Jenkins and Fox.
I don't usually claim to have read books on Goodreads that I bought before I joined. Since I cannot remember how long that has been, I thought that I would add this cookbook and recommend it to you.
The insights and the photos alone are worth the purchase. Also, some of us simply like to read cookbooks. For fun. Never mind the actual feeding of the family.
Note: Never download a cookbook. You miss too much that way. My copy of Olives and Oranges, sometimes covered in a light dusting of flour and permanently olive oil smudged, wouldn't be nearly as valuable if I couldn't prop it up on my kitchen counter or grasp it in my arms while I check the pantry for ingredients.
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