September 19, 2012

Artistry for a Higher Purpose

Late afternoon on Tuesday threatened and delivered a massive thunderstorm here in Bradfordville. Above, is a photo of that same cloud-mass as it followed me south on Thomasville and arrived with me at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church.

I don't usually go out in a storm. I learned when I worked in our optical shop at Jacksonville Beach and again in Ponte Vedra. Phone the beach people to tell them that their glasses are ready during any rain, from sprinkle to heavy, and the answer will be, "Thanks. It's raining (or going to rain or threatening rain or just stopped raining) and I think I'll wait until tomorrow."

Nevertheless, I rode over, armed with rain gear and dry shoes. We are beginning a new mission at Holy Comforter and the very thoughts of it have been calling out to me since the morning of the in-church announcement.

The Spirit and Creativity Guild will meet every third Tuesday evening under the guidance and leadership of Ed Babcock. We will explore the relationship of spirituality and creativity, how each embraces and supports the other. We'll use our varied artistic talents - art, photography, music, dance, poetry, singing, story telling/writing - to enhance the life of the church, the community, and beyond.

I have never been more thrilled with any opportunity to serve God - who blessed me and my life with so many talents, some unused for many years and others new, just now emerging.

Yes, I understood that those gifts drove, shaped, and often defined my spirituality. I realized, too, that spirituality gave meaning and backbone and purpose as I sketched my yard and squirrel, and wrote the Cooking Club! mysteries, and made up the children's stories, and took pictures of Tallahassee (especially the trees and churches) and developed the recipes for Cooking for One, and searched the house, continuously, for the legs to my easel (lost these five years) and added chapters to my autobiography - highlighting growing up in the 40's and 50's - and typed out the one-act plays (comedies about the INFJ personality group).

This morning, as I look at the list, I see the scattered nature of it. Simple artistry trying to emerge. Tap, tap tapping and throwing the finished discs into the back of the closet. Snap, snap, snapping and editing pictures to what purpose? Perhaps a Guild such as this is the very push I need to get it organized, to do some good with all of the above and more.

I arrived at home tranquil and ready to learn to harness my thoughts and my talents for a higher purpose. I dug around in the stack of meditation CD's and found a never-really-used self-hypnosis tape by Barrie Konicov - the voice that taught me the art of relaxation, love of exercise, and that saved my teeth from being broken through clenching.

I had listened to Creative Thinking (just once) so I knew to put the glass of water, the note cards, and the pencil by the bed for use upon awakening. I fell asleep at the point where I was forgiving myself for all of my past and also was forgiving others. "Now I can get to work," I thought, a split-second before sleep claimed me for itself and my sub-conscious had to take over.

The sister disc, the subliminal music tape, goes into the car to be played as I travel about. Self-hypnosis, however, must be done at home. (Can you picture texting while driving and hypnotized?)

Inspired, I'm ready to begin seeing myself with fresh eyes and using my talents in a brand new way. All I was sure of yesterday was that, whatever path that the fledgling Spirit and Creativity Guild was to take, I would be a part of it.

Smile and Say Cheese

 My daughter (now 61) used to line everyone up and take our picture in order to prove what a “good time” we all had – much to the chagrin of...