How many times, sitting on that Board, did I either hear these
phrases or say them? “This part of the law is a grey area. The meaning of this
rule is neither black nor white. The language of the passage lends itself to interpretation.”
You know what I mean if you spent this week living and
breathing - same as me. Or, maybe, not! From many of the comments I've heard, I gather
that perhaps you are still trying to see life in black and white.
Not me. Nor do I tend
to see in grey. Grey is a description that means nothing to me. In the optical industry, we used to call
one particular shade of grey “shit brindle." Shit brindle is when you've mixed colors on a lens ad nauseam - until the result is not even grey.
It is nothing.
Politically, I am a Republican in the middle of an identity
crisis. I can’t support the candidates. I don’t understand the platform. I am
at sea. Not many years ago, I was in the thick of it. Sigh. I believe I lost a
friend this week because of my refusal to toe the party line.
Just yesterday, I supported a corporation with values
diametrically opposed to my own, simply because I believe that it has the
right to its own opinion and may put its money where its mouth is. I was a businesswoman myself. I never expect
bigotry. I may have lost respect from several people that I love. They saw my actions as
taking sides instead of taking a stand.
I’ve read articles, this week, in several scientific
journals and they did not come anywhere near threatening my religious beliefs.
IMHO, life and knowledge are a mystery that will not be solved by me.
Everything is everything. Nothing is
threatening. All is in order, even when I cannot see it. I believe I antagonized a small group of eating buddies this week because I can embrace opposing dogmas at once. You just cannot go
there in luncheon conversation. Especially, don't mention the Taoists. Don't discuss the chi!
Spiritually, I’m one of those who has not found the perfect
religion but has adopted the one closest to her beliefs. I’ve been proud, this
week, of the snail-like progress of the church and its willingness to take
criticism on the chin and move forward as mankind “evolves” into who knows what
wonderful, loving entity. Slow work,
yes? I don’t believe my own church will lose any parishioners over it. They’ve
been walking in the briar patch for a long, long time. I might get personal
criticism from my not-so-immediate family, if it comes up.
I, nevertheless and in spite of everything, lovingly gave a
head-nod to my pagan beginnings when August rolled around. We old souls call
this holiday Lughnasadh – a Celtic celebration of life in its fullest, the
bounty of the earth. My Grandmother used to say that our family evolved from
before the fairies, when the dragons roamed. Never shake your head at the
wizened Grandmothers. Like the babies, they are closer to heaven than we are. We
don’t need to solve every mystery.
The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. So what if I rejected party lines, this week? I also befriended the rights of those who don’t
think as I do, to have and act on their own opinions.
I, myself, believe in same-sex equality, just as I do in
racial equality, human rights, and women’s rights. I believe in the holiness of people, made in God's Image. Looking back, I remember telling you about my
sit-ins of the 60’s, the optical “pantsuit revolution” of the 70’s, and my
personal equal-pay-for- women battles. I admit that I have been anti-war at
times (some lately), but never that as much as pro-soldier, patriot, good
I rejected bigotry this week whether it came from the
Christian right or elsewhere, the political right or left, science or religion,
friends or friends of friends.
Not only that! When I saw the news tonight I prayed for
Muslims. I believe that God is Love. Literally! That, I realize, is the only
truth that I see in total black and white.