August 21, 2011

Welcome! Retirement Living Petty Gulf Style!

Visit me here at Lake Petty Gulf! Something is going on all the time, whether it be in the kitchen, the garden, the photo lab, the exercise room, or on the bookshelf. It could be as simple as complicated as a healthy new bread to bake.

Lake Petty Gulf Lifestyle is all about GOOD RESULTS for happy and healthy retirement living! Staying always in the moment, there is no other time, but right now, to insure that life is a best-quality, most-interesting, and completely rewarding experience.

I will be featuring book reviews and sharing lots of samples of what I am busy writing myself. I want to show you some pictures of my retirement life in Tallahassee, tell you about my grandchildren, and introduce you to my pets.

Together, we can develop some recipes for the good life (low fat and local produce) and have a lot of fun doing it. Cooking and eating well are a whole different ballgame for the retirement group. I want to drag out that cookbook I've been developing and share it with you.

I'll take you on an adventure with me this winter while we photograph and write about the historic churches of Tallahassee. It was in my summer plan but I'm glad that I waited until now to get started.

When I'm on my soapbox, I'll warn you in advance by entitling those posts My Three Legged Stool. Original works will be featured under the headings of  Caroline's Notebook or CallieSlide Writes! If a poem falls out of my head, I'll just throw it into the pot unannounced.

Tell you what! I'll just get started and we'll see what we can see. Maybe I can enrich your retirement, give you some ideas, or help you plan for the near or even distant future. Five years into this lovely state of living and I still feel like a kid who went into an ice cream store and found so much to choose from that she is still savoring something new - every single day.  

Smile and Say Cheese

 My daughter (now 61) used to line everyone up and take our picture in order to prove what a “good time” we all had – much to the chagrin of...